What the candidates' leaflets say

This page does not purport to be a comprehensive guide to candidates and their policies. It is a snapshot of the issues raised on the sample of Riverside campaign literature forwarded to us by local residents.

  Anood Al-Samerai
Lib Dem
Rahoul Bhansali
Fernando Grace
Cormac Hollingsworth
Amanda Penfold
Crime & antisocial behaviour "...crime is falling in our area, but we want to make Riverside safer still" "Rahoul ... has exposed the bad deal that Southwark is getting on police resources" "Who would be a police officer in Southwark? They are told to make drivers their number one target instead of catching lawbreakers." "...a good local councillor should stand up for decent, law abiding people. The Lib Dems have consistently put the rights of yobs and thugs first"  
Potters Fields "Anood is opposed to Labour's London Mayor who wants an ugly unwanted development" "The Mayor should have no business in interfering in the ongoing commercial negotiations between the council and other interested parties."   "The local Lib Dems should be ashamed that they have not secured the future of this site and show no sign of sorting it out" "The overturning of local wishes for Potters Fields to be used as a cultural space is a travesty that needs to be fought against. We need more councillors in Southwark who will not roll over to appease big business at the expense of residents."
Council tax & financial prudence "Under the Lib Dems, Southwark's Council tax is the 6th lowest in London" "Conservative Councillors have pledged to keep the Council Tax below the level of inflation between now and 2010" "Council tax is hurting pensioners and low income households. Fernando Grace is an accountant and will use that experience to axe the waste." "...the high council tax is a major worry for families and pensioners"  
Licensing   "Whilst it's great to see so many restaurants opening up along the riverside, it's also important to look after the quality of life of local residents and deal effectively with late night noise problems"   "Cormac carried out a survey of local residents about licensing proposals and worked to highlight the problem ... He has also campaigned against the early morning deliveries which disturb residents"  
Local decision-making   "...local people should have more control over local issues. Too many decisions are made down at Peckham Town Hall"      
Transport "The Lib Dem team is fighting to make Bermondsey a zone 1 station"        
Section 106 cash "Labour councillors want to steal money from Bermondsey to spend in their own Peckham wards" "many people think that [Labour] would like to redistribute some of the ... money to ... Camberwell and Peckham"      
Housing "Even Maggie Thatcher did not privatise council housing. But New Labour cannot be trusted on this"     "Cormac believes that council tenants and leaseholders are being treated like second class citizens" "Disrepair and dereliction on our housing estates is a disgrace, yet most Councillors support packing yet more buildings into over-crowded areas. Leaseholders also suffer from unjust repair costs for badly-managed contracts. Greens seek to bring efficiency to housing and ensure that tenants' complaints are dealt with quickly and fairly."
Councillors' allowances Labour councillors in Lambeth "voted to double their own pay"     "Lib Dem councillors voted for themselves to get massive pay rises. Southwark Lib Dem Councillors are now some of the highest-paid councillors in the whole country"  
Youth provision "Lib Dem led Southwark Council has invested heavily in safe places for our kids to play and hang out"     "We need more things for young people to do. If elected as your local councillor I will fight for a fair share of resources for our local community" "We need to improve facilities for our young people instead of slapping them with ASBOs and dispersal orders which are often unenforceable. When councillors sell off our green spaces and football pitches to developers to build flats, where do they expect our kids to play? We need to say NO to any more land grabs by greedy developers."
Environment   "protecting our green spaces from overdevelopment" "If residents elect me as their new local councillor I will campaign against this vile EU Landfill Directive. Why should taxpayers pay twice to have their refuse removed? Those who can't or won't pay will fly tip in our Borough." "I will work to ensure our community becomes more sustainable and environmentally friendly with better recycling and improvements to local parks"  
Southwark's Lib Dem/Tory administration   "Conservative Councillors hold the balance of power at the Town Hall - that means we can stop some of the barmy ideas from both Labour and the Lib Dems. It also means politicans have to grow up, sit down and negotiate - how sensible!"   "Local people are right to be angry at the fact that a Dulwich Tory Councillor is now in charge of council housing across in community [sic]. It just shows that when you vote Lib Dem you end up with the Conservatives in charge." "The LibDem-Tory alliance is desperate to cling onto Power. Voting for a 2nd Green Councillor will mean we can finally hold them to account "

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