Southwark Black Elders group has fifteen pieces of artwork on show at Southwark Cathedral Refectory.
The theme 'Faces Moods and Expressions' was devised by the artist
after consulting with the group and realising that verbal expression
was difficult for some of the members. The project has
resulted in a vibrant and exciting collection of works.
Moji Coker from Age Concern Southwark says: "This has been a very
stimulating project for the older people. It has given them an
opportunity to express themselves through painting. Art and craft
activities are often undervalued but they are incredibly valuable to
our work. We are very keen to develop this area of work to complement
our other day centre activities."
Clarise Porter, 83 years old, says:- "I have not painted for a long time and
being able to paint brought back some skills I had forgotten. I also
learned some new ones and I had a really enjoyable time."
Age Concern Southwark welcomes support in developing the arts programme and is keen to work with corporate organisations wishing to hold future exhibitions.
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