Team London Bridge has launched its programme for a second term with a four point plan.
James Dinwiddie, director of Dinwiddie MacLaren Architects in Snowsfields and Team London Bridge chair, listed a first class transport interchange accommodating business needs, better retail opportunities, a pedestrian focussed public realm and further improvements to the railway arches as targets for completion by 2015.
"We promote a business agenda but we are always aware that we have a wider influence on the community in terms of those who both live here and visit," said chairman James Dinwiddie who was speaking on Wednesday evening at the AGM in London's Living Room at the top of City Hall.
Team London Bridge is a business improvement district where businesses pay an additional rate levy to improve the area. Businesses vote every five years to continue or terminate the arrangement. The first London Bridge re-ballot takes place in October.
"The Shard has unlocked the development of London Bridge Station," claimed Mr Dinwiddie who said that 32,000 people were working in the area and this figure would rise.
The chairman announced that Team London Bridge had agreed to adopt the Legible London signage system. There was also a plan to promote the development of a river transport interchange.
On the retail front he said that it was important to have active frontages and make Tooley Street much more of a high street.
Turning to railway arches proposals he said that the viaduct was a barrier between north and south and there was a need to link Tooley Street and St Thomas Street.
Earlier YouGov founder Stefan Shakespeare had told members that the present government was the first to be comfortable with the internet age and that pressure from government due to the internet would bring new opportunities for business.
The Mayor of London's policy director Anthony Browne reminded the audience that there were now 23 BIDs in the capital and that the Greater London Authority is among the London Bridge levy-payers.
Among over fifty people present were Stephen Cornford of Potters Fields Park Management Trust, Robert Chappell of On Your Bike, Tony Sharp from the Guildable Manor and Peter Hudson of Reeves & Neylan.
Team London Bridge is SE1's second BID. Better Bankside won a further term earlier this year and Waterloo Quarter goes to ballot next year.
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