Sainsbury's is to open a new convenience store in The Cut in the premises formerly occupied by Panbros and Southbank China.
Speculation about the future use of the shops has raged since Panbros shut its doors last Christmas and Southbank China and the launderette closed soon after. Since then builders have been demolishing the internal walls between the three shops.
Six months ago local residents held a 'save our shops' demonstration in The Cut, backed by Vauxhall's Labour MP Kate Hoey and Liberal Democrat councillors from both Southwark and Lambeth.
The new Sainsbury's Local store will be open daily 7am to 11pm. The shop's entrance will be in the former Southbank China premises and the exit will be via the ex-Panbros frontage.
The former launderette shopfront will feature a Sainsbury's cash machine.
Sainsbury's says the new store will create 20-25 full and part time jobs.
The premises in The Cut is just over 200 metres away from another Sainsbury's Local in Waterloo Road, but the supermarket company says the two stores will target different markets, with the existing shop catering for rail passengers and local workers and The Cut branch serving residents and theatregoers.
Sainsbury's has applied to Lambeth Council for a premises licence and for advertisement consent for new signage.
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