Merrick Square is a small, quiet, well-maintained garden square, originally laid out in 1853-6 as part of the development of land belonging to the Corporation of Trinity House. It is still composed of 32 single houses, owned by Trinity House. Holy Trinity Rectory, between nos. 16 and 17, was built in 1872.
A formal garden square built between 1824 and 1832 on land belonging to the Corporation of Trinity House. Most of the houses, still owned by Trinity House, have been converted into flats. The church is now the Henry Wood Hall, used for orchestral rehearsals.
The Trinity Church Square garden, maintained by Trinity House, contains one of the oldest outside statues in London, probably of Alfred the Great and possibly originally sited in Westminster Hall. The garden has been open to residents only since 1997 and has been well used since the closure of Trinity Street to through traffic in 2002.
Music and refreshments organised by Trinity Newington Residents' Association (TNRA), by kind permission of the Corporation of Trinity House.
Merrick Square
Trinity Street, SE1 4JB
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