Join Ken Titmuss for a walk with old maps round the one time leather-making district, that is also one of the oldest neighbourhoods in London.
Explore a landscape of old industrial buildings, even older houses and pockets of open space with stories to tell.
You will be reminded of all the associated trades to the making of leather; the woolstaplers and fellmongers amongst them.
This was an area of extreme poverty and we find remnants of how this was relieved. There are amongst many unsung heroes, two people who made a lasting impression not just on Bermondsey but in how London developed.
Learn about Alfred and Ada Salter. Can you imagine a council setting up a beautification commitee?
The settlement grew around an ancient religious foundation that in 1399 became Bermondsey Abbey. This has long gone but this walk traces where it was and see how it still influences the topography.
Venue details provided at time of booking
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