LeSoCo (the new name for the combined Lewisham College and Southwark College) is keen to invest in the Waterloo campus and aims to rejuvenate and enhance the provision of education facilities available.
In keeping with this aspiration, emerging development proposals are to extend and redevelop the campus to accommodate up to 11,000 additional education floorspace over predominantly 5 and 6 storey buildings.
To help fund this development, it is proposed that the land in the southern and western parts of the site be released for residential development.
These emerging proposals are in addition to the submitted planning application currently under consideration for refurbishing the main entrance and front buildings of the campus (ref: 13/AP/1239)
LeSoCo would like to consult with local residents and businesses before a planning application is submitted to the council later this year.
A public exhibition has been organised to allow people to drop in, review the plans and provide comments.
If you are unable to attend the event, the exhibition will remain publicly available in the college campus reception during regular opening hours until 22 July. A comments box will also be available to collect your feedback.
For further information email [email protected] or write to Waterloo Proposals Consulation, Freepost RSRX-YRLR-RUSL, DALTON WARNER DAVIS, 21-26 Garlick Hill, London EC4V 2AU
Southwark College
25 The Cut, SE1 8LE
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