Shakespeare's Globe is inviting those who live, work or learn in its home borough of Southwark onto the famous Globe stage for its annual community celebration.
A Concert for Winter is a festive celebration of the past, present and future of Southwark.
Schools, businesses and community groups from the borough are invited on to the Globe stage to perform songs, music, poetry, storytelling and dance, inspired by this year's theme of Regeneration and Renewal.
Eight groups representing the diversity and variety that Southwark has to offer will take to the stage to present their own choice of performance relating to this year's theme. Performances will be from Spa School, a special school for students with autistic spectrum disorders, Crossways Community Mental Health Centre in Peckham, Dulwich Wood Nursery School, The Blackfriars Nightingales singing group from Blackfriars Settlement older peoples' services, Michael Faraday Primary School, Townsend Primary School and Charles Dickens Primary School and will be joined by staff from Shakespeare's Globe and students from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, forming the Globe Choir.
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