London SE1 community website

"Things for the Surgeon"

The Body Snatchers of Georgian London

This event is in the past. This is an archive page for reference.

As the Georgian age began, the surgeons and surgical students of London were increasingly unwilling to just watch anatomies. They wanted to dissect for themselves. But with people unwilling to donate their bodies and the legal supplies of corpses limited, where could the surgeons get their subjects from? Someone was waiting in the shadow...

Enter the professional Resurrection Men, who crept into the London burial grounds at night and raised the dead to supply the dissecting rooms of London's flourishing medical schools. Hear the stories of some of the body snatchers, learn some of the tricks of the their trade and how much a body was worth, and discover what happened when the appetite for anatomical subjects ended with murder.

  • 7pm
  • £6.50 (conc £5); booking essential

Old Operating Theatre, Museum and Herb Garret
9a St Thomas Street, London, SE1 9RY
infowhat's on @map

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This event is in the past. This is an archive page for reference.
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