London SE1 community website


This event is in the past. This is an archive page for reference.

A man suffering from short term memory loss uses notes and tattoos to hunt for the man he thinks killed his wife. Starring Guy Pearce. 2000.

No need to book, no tickets required, just turn up and take a seat by 9.15pm.

In the event of rain the show may have to be cancelled. A cancellation decision will be made 30 minutes before the screening starts.

Seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Once capacity is reached, admission will be on a one out, one in basis.

  • Cert 15
  • 9.15pm
  • FREE

The Scoop at More London
More London Riverside, London, SE1 2DB
infowhat's on @map

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This event is in the past. This is an archive page for reference.
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