Saturday 4 October
'Sacred Relics' 1pm
Senior Curator Paul Cornish talks about the objects that came back from the First World War battlefields to form the early collections of the Imperial War Museum.
'Photographs from the Front' 3pm
Hilary Roberts discusses the lives and work of Horace Nicholls and John Warwick Brooke, who were Official War Photographers in the First World War and then subsequently worked for the Imperial War Museum.
Sunday 5 October
'The Founding of a Museum' 1pm
Gill Smith of the Museum Archive talks about the founding of the Imperial War Museum and the history of the building at Lambeth Road.
'The First World War on Film' 3pm
Roger Smither from the Imperial War Museum's Film and Video Archive showcases some of the Museum's earliest collected film footage.
This event is related to In Memoriam: Remembering the Great War
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