The Bishop of Woolwich, Rt Revd Christopher Chessun, will conduct a short ceremony to mark the planting of a tree to commemorate Gloria Burgos who died in her cafe - Goode Foods - opposite the gardens in Bermondsey Street.
'Gloria's Corner' is intended to be a permanent memorial to a much-loved member of the Bermondsey community who was brutally killed one sunny afternoon last September.
A maple tree has been chosen because it will be at its glorious best every autumn.
The money for the tree and a plaque for a nearby bench was raised from the proceeds of a 'carol-athon' two weeks before Christmas that involved non-stop carol singing by teams of local people from dawn till dusk.
All neighbours and friends of Gloria and her family have been invited to attend the tree planting ceremony.
Tanner Street Park
Tanner Street, SE1
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