Bankside Open Spaces Trust invites you to its 2009 celebration and Annual General Meeting.
This year the event will be all about BOST's volunteering work.
A supervised quiet craft table will be available foryounger volunteers, or children of volunteers who would like to attend.
6pm – Eat, drink, and say hello
6.30pm - Short presentations on important projects given by BOST's active volunteers and staff
7.15pm – Volunteering in open spaces. Short presentation from Clive Pankhurst, chief executive of Volunteer Centre Southwark
7.30pm The formal Annual General Meeting business: Chair's report, Minutes of the last AGM, financial report, adoption of accounts, resignation of half of trustees, election of new and old trustees, appointment of auditor. Your questions and points raised.
RSVP would be much appreciated:
020 7261 1009 or [email protected].
The company secretary is seeking nominations for elected trustee positions – particularly from those aged under 30, or over 60, or with relevant professional knowledge.
BOST needs at least 10 clear days' notice if you are interested in standing. Contact Helen Firminger on 020 7401 9498 or [email protected].
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