The London Gay Men's Chorus returns to The Scoop at More London to preview their new show "The Seven Deadly Sins".
From Verdi's Dies Irae and La Traviata, to Jacques Brel's Carousel, The Pet Shop Boys' 'It's a Sin' and Britney Spears, 'Hit me Baby one more time' - this promises to be a musical spectacular of gargantuan proportions.
From More London to the Roundhouse, the boys are then off to Warsaw in July to perform in the Headline Concert for Europride in Poland.
What distinguishes the choir is a very diverse repertoire. From classical music to folk, jazz, pop up to the R & B, often combined with the choreography. The aim of the choir is to fight against prejudice - in both the musical and social - through direct contact with the audience during performances.
The Scoop at More London
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