London SE1 community website

The History of Bermondsey Abbey

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Bermondsey Abbey
Bermondsey Abbey excavations at Bermondsey Square in 2006

Local historian Stephen Humphrey has organised this afternoon meeting as part of the celebrations of the 1100th anniversary of Bermondsey Abbey's mother house at Cluny in eastern France.

11 September is the actual anniversary of Cluny's foundation in 910.

Talks will be given on the history and excavations of the abbey and tea will be served.

There are also plans for a commemorative plaque in Bermondsey Square.

  • 2pm-5pm
  • FREE Please reserve a place by telephoning Stephen Humphrey on 020 7735 6716

St Mary Magdalen
Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3UW
infowhat's on @map

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