part time
MLPL is a new managing agent in SE1. To help with our expansion plans we require a book-keeper with property managing agent experience. Ideally familiar with the Propman system from Grosvenor Systems.
You will be responsible for all aspects - paying invoices, booking into the accounts and management system, client reports, service charge invoicing and client debt management.
Initially about 8 hours per week but this is expected to grow shortly as more clients join us. We can be flexible on working hours.
Property managing agent book-keeping experience is essential. You must be keen to help clients with enquiries regarding their service charges and have a pleasant email and telephone manner. We would expect your involvement to grow along with our business.
Managed Living Partnerships is a new but rapidly expanding property managing agent based in Bermondsey, SE1. We focus on delivering a service to clients ensuring speedy responses, attention to detail and a drive to reduce costs. We keep a low ratio of clients to staff to ensure that we maintain this core style.
Please email with a cv and covering letter to [email protected]
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