part time
We are looking for a cleaner / house keeper for The Ragged School.
We are able to offer up to 15hrs a week spread over 5 days
We are looking for someone who has experience with cleaning and ironing, must speak good english, lots of energy and dog friendly.
Being local to Union Street is a bonus.
Experience required - we will require references / recommendations
We have cleaning on multiple floors, there are stairs in the property and this must not be an issue for someone.
Good english language for communication
tasks will change each day, so adaptability is key
the tasks vary from tidying, cleaning and ironing to moving items from room to room, windows and basic garden upkeep.
we are looking some someone who have lots of energy, happy and smiling.
The Ragged School is a private home which is managed by Natalie. Se will be your point of contact most of the time. She will show you around each space and help direct tasks for the day.
Applicants can apply via email or telephone - if the telephone is unable to be answered please leave a message and Natalie will get back to you asap.
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