28 hours a week - 12 months contract
This post lies within our community support service and has arisen from a review to determine how we can better meet our clients’ needs. Many clients, having had their immediate needs met through the community outreach workers, may struggle to cope in the long term with issues such as bereavement, coping with chronic illness or receiving a terminal diagnosis, struggling as a carer or having to move home due to frailty or infirmity. Although their immediate issues are resolved, these clients need ongoing emotional support to enable them to cope with their situation on a daily basis. The community visitor will support and encourage clients to cope better with their situation and work towards them being able to live a happy and rewarding life.
Core functions of the post
• To carry out regular home visits (currently door step visits) and phone calls to clients as requested by your line manager
• To work with clients towards developing a strategy to help them cope better with their situation
• To access and use our online database to record information
• To assist with office cover at our main office
• To access and use email and the internet for researching appropriate support for clients
• To work according to the standards, policies and procedures of SIPP with particular regard to confidentiality, equality and health & safety policies, following good professional practice at all times
• To raise the profile of SIPP and older people within the voluntary and statutory sector and within the community in general, ensuring the values of SIPP are upheld.
• The role involves face to face interaction with older people (some of whom may be living with dementia and other mental health issues, substance use and dual diagnosis) and also with family carers and volunteers
• You will need to have a strong commitment to equality and diversity and to understand your responsibilities relating to safeguarding older adults.
Please see Job Description for person specification
Southwark Irish Pensioners Project is a small charity working with more than 400 older Irish people in south London providing day services (currently closed due to coronavirus) and community support services to enable them to live happy and healthy lives. Having diverse and complex needs, our mission is to alleviate their isolation and enable them to live with dignity consistent with their personal choices and preferences.
Though practical support, we help them to improve their wellbeing. We act with kindness and compassion and are culturally aware, building long term trusting relationships that encourage friendships, happy memories, community spirit and a deep sense of belonging.
Email Rita.andrews@irishinlondon.org for an application form and job description.
Interviews will be held on Monday 9th November at our office in Bermondsey, observing with full PPE protocol.
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