Join @guidedbyisobel on Sunday morning for a walk that will tell the stories of remarkable women in North Southwark
The Manna Centre at London Bridge is recruiting a Housing & Welfare Advice Worker
Simon Hughes MP is leading tomorrow morning's service at Borough @WelshChapel in Southwark Bridge Road
More than 3.5 hours at Borough, Bankside & Walworth Community Council...
There has got to be better way of handling public questions at community council than asking ppl to write them down & get answer in February
RT @ianvisits: Photo - Waterloo station in 1964
Officer says microbiological tests carried out on illegal peanut trolleys seized on riverside have produced relatively clean results
Officer says peanut sellers all know the enforcement officers by sight and scarper across the river when they appear on the scene
Cllr Morris asks about food hygiene enforcement against peanut sellers on riverside.
Southwark food safety team welcomes intelligence from residents re potential problems in local shops/restaurants
'A Jubilee Christmas' - GKT Music Society concert tonight at @southwarkcathed
shiny red helicopter
Neighbourhood planning in Southwark just got very party-political #localism
Cllrs @coyleneil and @patrickdiamond1 giving @wearebankside #localism arrangements a rough ride at community council
Lively discussion about @wearebankside neighbourhood forum & plan at community council - concerns re lack of BME members #localism
The council is also changing the definition of a complaint.
Southwark Council is consulting on changes to complaints process; 3-stage process to change to 2-phase system to encourage early resolution
At community council Jeremy Leach of @southwarkls is talking about #se1saferoads campaign - - now 2.5k signatures
Ken Hayes is inviting people to submit nominations for the Southwark Civic Awards:
Community council at @walworthacademy - not a great turnout so far
Cycle contraflows for Newcomen Street, Tabard Street & Redcross Way due to be approved at community council today:
Audio: @ValShawcross AM at London Bridge Station for final day of inner South London Line trains to Victoria
The @woolfsonandtay bookshop in Bermondsey Square is starting its Christmas sale today - 30% off almost everything
This afternoon Paul Wayne Gregory @PWG_Chocolate reveals the secrets of his Christmas Pudding chocs @TheChocFestival
DVLA bans Southwark Council from database over abuses
See the latest proposals for the redevelopment of Hampton House on Albert Embankment
Learn The Sardana this afternoon
Learn about the @wearebankside neighbourhood plan #localism at today's community council meeting
1pm: Borough, Bankside & Walworth Community Council at @WalworthAcademy - food theme + regeneration update
Christmas Market at Southwark Cathedral this afternoon
More than 40 artists open their studio doors this weekend @ASCGallery Erlang House - 9 floors; views across London
Italian gelateria 3BIS in Park Street is giving half of today's takings to local charity @BoroughMusicSch
RT @Jo51jjp: It's been like this for 20 minutes and there's not a boat in sight. @ Tower Bridge
RT @BBCBreakfast: Simon Hughes is to be investigated over claims he breached parliamentary rules.
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