Amanda Pritchard - chief executive of Guy's and St Thomas' - has been appointed as NHS chief operating officer, making her the second most senior figure in the health service in England.
Transport for London has launched a consultation on plans to introduce lower speed limits on all roads it controls in the congestion charge zone by May next year.
RT @BTPLondonBridge: A man failed to appear at court last month for theft from a machine at #LondonBridge station & was circulated to local…
If you were wondering why there were so many police outside Elephant & Castle Tube earlier today ...
Launch of @Waterloofestiv with @MayorLBLambeth - check out the events programme
Rock, Paper, Scissors, the new collection from award-winning poet Richard Osmond, is a deeply personal and powerful…
Amazon launches physical kiosks in UK railway stations - including London Bridge - a local extension of its Treasur…
The police officer in charge of the investigation into one of the London Bridge attackers has denied chances were m…
The 2019 Waterloo Festival @Waterloofestiv starts tomorrow, with a packed programme of events centred on…
Imminent withdrawal of RV1 bus route along South Bank and Bankside gets national coverage thanks to @simoncalder of…
RT @JollyJourno: Brilliant blog post this, about the dire state of local media in London and what some of us are doing to try and resurrect…
Amanda Pritchard @AKPritchard2 - chief executive of Guy's and St Thomas' @GSTTnhs - has been appointed as NHS chief…
Police caught the London Bridge attacker Khuram Butt with reams of Islamic State propaganda including martyrdom vid…
Mural being painted at Waterloo Bus Garage as part of @WeAreWaterlooUK scheme to improve Cornwall Road as low-pollu…
RT @MPSChaucer: PC Quinn with the help of our sister teams targeted the ward from Fri-Sunday. The outcome was 13 stop & searches, 1 CPN war…
[Volunteering opportunity] @TeamLDN are searching for volunteers to be National Park City Festival Makers and Natio…
Loads going on in SE1 this weekend - check out our weekly email bulletin that's just been sent out…
[Forum] Nelson Square Gardens - shouting on Sunday nights
RT @coyleneil: 75 years ago my grandad was one of the fighters and survivors of the D Day landings. Proud of his contribution and aware we…
#TheGreatGetTogether needs you! @bostse1 is looking for volunteers for major community event in Bankside on Sun 23…
TfL consults on 20 mph speed limit for more SE1 roads
• Albert Embankment
• Lambeth Palace Road
• Lambeth Bridge
Why are London Bridge station’s departure boards so confusing?
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