Post Office bosses say that the Old Kent Road branch - closed for the last four weeks - will remain shut due to "unforeseen circumstances".
A patient at the London Bridge Hospital has died after testing positive for COVID-19, according to the latest statistics from NHS England.
@MrAndyPowell As testing is widened beyond the previous narrow limits (hospital patients), it will be difficult to…
@Jerhar1 Didn't realised that was closed - thanks. Is the shop itself still open?
@MrAndyPowell We have a spreadsheet of the cumulative totals published each day, from which you could work out the…
Post Office bosses say that the Old Kent Road branch - closed for the last four weeks - will remain shut due to "un…
RT @LeanneLWerner: The Thames looks like a shard of glass this afternoon. Little river traffic allows for the perfect reflection. #DailyExe…
ArchdeaconLuke A panorama of the silent river. @ThamesPics @StPaulsLondon
RT @JacquiAMiller: High tide and low tide under Blackfriars Bridge. â¦@ThamesPicsâ©
RT @MPSBoroughBank: #ChristchurchGdns #BlackfriarsRd @se1 patrols, 2 x males issued with Community Protection Notice Warnings for #ASB at t…
Make your own Zandra Rhodes puppet via Bermondsey Street's @FashionTextile Museum
A patient at the London Bridge Hospital has died after testing positive for COVID-19, according to the latest stati…
Today NHS England confirmed that a further 19 patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 have died whilst in the…
Saturday #coronavirus COVID-19 stats for our boroughs:
Southwark: 1,053 cases
(+27 from Friday)
Lambeth: 998 case…
RT @peterjohn6: Good to hear @RobertJenrick commit another £1.6 bn to local councils and continuing to make good on his pledge to support u…
Rockingham Estate
Heating replacement works begin on Monday on the Kipling Estate. @LeathermktJMB says that contractors are able to c…
St George's Cathedral @stgeorgescath is the latest local church to start live-streaming services. Sunday 10am the A…
@NedsNoodleBar Done
@londonisforlife Thanks - have added Barbarellas. Coleman are only selling beans / ground coffee (as with Monmouth)…
@GhislaineGrangr Our restaurant database only covers venues with an SE1 postcode
@Thom_75 Thanks - added
@PeterClaydon @FlavourofNaples Now added
@ShadThamesRA @velorestaurant Thanks - they're now on the list
@ldwgf @HiverBeers Thanks - will do a separate page for groceries and drinks delivery - this list is pulled in from…
@londonisforlife Thanks - added
Making a new list of SE1 restaurants / cafes / pubs that are currently offering delivery and/or takeaway. Anyone kn…
RT @SarahMorganNHS: Astounding innovation - 2 words for today's @GSTTnhs CEO @icabbs #wellbeingwalks
Thank you to:
- our 3D print farm -…
RT @tonyhalpin: Masterful and sobering account by @rogerboyes of his survival from Coronavirus. Very glad to see you’re recovering Roger.…
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