London SE1 community website

Wednesday 22 December 2021

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Tweets on 22 December 2021

“Imperial, Guy's and St Thomas' and Barts NHS Trust have all confirmed 'routine and non-urgent' operations may be c…

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petesherlock79 Lambeth now records an infection rate of 3,000 per 100,000 people

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:38 PM, Dec 22nd, 2021 via Twitter for iPhone)

RT @thomasbowell: A trip into London for Xmas shopping gave a good opportunity to ride these new @ADLbus E400EVs @AbellioLondon are using o…

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Wednesday #coronavirus COVID-19 stats for our boroughs:

1,169 more people tested positive
This week: 7,9…

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Today NHS England confirmed that two more patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 have died whilst in the car…

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RT @georgethemartyr: Don't forget that today is our festive food giveaway. Come along now and get a meal for you and yours and join us for…

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A 1992 view of the Jam Factory prior to residential conversion via @peter_marshall

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What Bermondsey Square looked like 29 years ago. By @peter_marshall.

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This chart shows Oyster/contactless taps at Waterloo Tube Station for the three months to Sunday 19 December. Clea…

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RT @Southwarkcathed: Need a last minute pressie, decoration or Christmas card? There is 20% off everything in our Christmas Shop until 3pm…

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