London SE1 community website

Sunday 26 December 2021

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Tweets on 26 December 2021

RT @avey_bhatia: Staff at St Thomas’ @GSTTnhs in good spirits today. Our site team in absolute control as always and Stuart ever so funny,…

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se1_st St Georges Pharmacy. NO QUEUES. Come and get your covid jab. We are open today until 5 pm. @se1 @se17

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RT @andrew_zihni: Giving thanks this morning for the amazing life, witness and service of Archbishop #DesmondTutu. May he rest in peace and…

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RT @ShaunLintern: More than half of NHS staff absences on Christmas Eve across London were Covid related. This is hitting the normal delive…

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Desmond Tutu at @Southwarkcathed in 2004 pictured with the then @SouthwarkMayor Cllr Columba Blango.

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RT @deansouthwark: Remembering with thanksgiving the inspirational ministry of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He was a great friend to the commun…

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