London SE1 community website

Wednesday 19 January 2022

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Tweets on 19 January 2022

RT @Carly__Warwick: To the man who was asleep and rushed off the @Se_Railway train to Cannon St at Maze Hill, your phone has been handed in…

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RT @MPSNWalworth: Last night officers from @MPSNWalworth and @MPSChaucer conducted patrols across Elephant & Castle. Other SNT officers als…

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RT @GSTTresearch: The COV-BOOST vaccine booster comparison study is looking for people aged 18-30 to take part.

You may be eligible to ta…

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Wednesday #coronavirus COVID-19 stats for our boroughs:

405 more people tested positive
This week: 2,477…

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Piers Corbyn charged with causing a nuisance after incident at Guy's Hospital COVID-19 vaccination centre yesterday

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Today NHS England confirmed that four more patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 have died whilst in the ca…

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Vikings rip apart London Bridge in Valhalla spin-off trailer

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RT @xtophercook: How did your neighbourhood do during the pandemic? We've published a whizzy tool which will let you look up how your local…

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