London SE1 community website

Sunday 12 June 2022

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Tweets on 12 June 2022

Filming in Lant Street the next three weekends for Netflix drama ‘Our Man from Jersey’ starring Halle Berry and Mar……

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Garden fete in Merrick Square this afternoon

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StGeorgesChoirs A wonderful first Mass from our new Cathedral Junior Choir this morning. Well done all of you!…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:28 PM, Jun 12th, 2022 via Twitter for iPhone)

At @Southwarkcathed, @HodgeTheCat picks the best spot to get a good view of the Choral Eucharist

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Lant Street closed for filming outside The Glad

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sclark09 Looking for something to do in today? Vist @TheAfricaCentre in Southwark between 12 and 6 for The African M……

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