London SE1 community website

Monday 1 August 2022

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Tweets on 1 August 2022

DrMalcolmMorgan Inspired by @guyshrubsole's book “Who owns England” I’ve done some mapping of the Land Registry data of land owned……

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ianvisits Just been announced that the entire England Women’s Football Team will be awarded the Freedom of the City of London……

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:14 PM, Aug 1st, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

LatinElephant Loving the archive clips from BBC featuring the Shopping Centre going pink in 1997 with La Bodeg……

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SwkHeritage Film of the Month is 'The Elephant Never Forgets' (2006). Featuring interviews with residents and archive material……

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WalworthSociety Couple of great features about E&C in the @se1 link below:

1958: Elephant & Castle redevelopment plans

1997: The……

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In 2016, 6,650 buses a day served Elephant & Castle.

Under TfL's new plans, this number will fall to 4,840 - a red……

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On this day 1831 - opening of London Bridge by King William and Queen Adelaide…

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Will “work from hotel” catch on? The Shangri-La Hotel at the Shard now offers a £350 10am-6pm 'daycation' rate for……

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TheShardLondon Congratulations to England's ! Tonight The Shard will once again be illuminated with the England flag, ce……

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