London SE1 community website

Monday 5 September 2022

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Tweets on 5 September 2022

RT @robblackie: The Lib Dems on the London Assembly pushing for the permanent installation of anti-terror barriers

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Commiserations to anyone trying to work from home at the Elephant (or sleep, or do anything else really).…

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The works at the Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre site have reached a particularly noisy stage

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Between 100 and 150 vehicles a month are thought to breach the weight limit at Tower Bridge

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By the time a final decision is made on the redevelopment of the old ITV site on the South Bank, the matter will ha……

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Will @LondonAssembly members vote to urge the Mayor and TfL to sort out the long term arrangements for security bar……

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Gillian Tanner was an auxiliary firefighter based at Bermondsey's Dockhead fire station who received the George Med……

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There's a high potential for Roman remains under the Lidl car park in the Old Kent Road

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RT @NetworkRailLBG: ??‍♀️ Step into Narnia... ✨

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - here at London Bridge daily from 1-6.30pm until 7 S…

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se1 In May, Lewisham Council’s own company Lewisham Homes Ltd submitted a planning application for works at Otford Hous……

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JambusterLondon A100 Tower Bridge (Southbound) between A100 Tower Bridge Road and A100 Tower Bridge Approach - Footway closed to fa……

via Jambuster (retweeted on 7:57 AM, Sep 5th, 2022 via Twitter for iPhone)

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