London SE1 community website

Wednesday 7 December 2022

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Tweets on 7 December 2022

@CS6Count I think the green lights go out when the countdown starts. This photo shows the red light illuminated a f……

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to CS6Count

35percent_EAN New blog out today: Housing associations caught charging twice as much rent as they should for social rented homes.……

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:39 PM, Dec 7th, 2022 via Twitter for Mac)

Some of the nuns who travelled with Florence Nightingale were from Bermondsey - the Sisters of Mercy convent at Doc……

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SouthwarkMayor This evening @SouthwarkMayor joined the @TeamLondonBdg and local primary schools in a Carol & lantern parade for……

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:02 PM, Dec 7th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

WalworthSociety Just great news! NB (at some point) a crossing is due to be created across the Walworth Road at the other end of El……

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:42 PM, Dec 7th, 2022 via Twitter for Mac)

MPSBishops No reported residential burglaries across Waterloo & South bank in the past month, which is great news.
We would li……

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:25 PM, Dec 7th, 2022 via Twitter for iPhone)

The new pedestrian and cyclist crossing of New Kent Road (at the Elephant Road junction) is now in operation.

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VanishedLondon Lower Marsh Market And L & N Cohen, photographed in 1986, from my post on the shop, market and street at……

via TweetDeck Web App (retweeted on 1:02 PM, Dec 7th, 2022 via Twitter for Mac)

RT @coyleneil: Hoping @thameswater are on site fixing this asap - and providing help to everyone affected

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It's a whole year since the Supreme Court heard the Neo Bankside / Tate Modern case - still "awaiting judgment".……

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