London SE1 community website

Saturday 31 December 2022

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Tweets on 31 December 2022

RT @Marshrail: 2/2 ☝️ @KentishHack @NSE_Latchmere @NetworkRailWssx @railexpress More recent but historic Waterloo images as we enter Waterl…

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Marshrail 1/2 @NetworkRailWssx We are now in Waterloo's 175th anniversary year. Here is the through platform and 1966/7.…

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RT @thomasmsharp: The bunting's up, ready for watchnight service tonight @StHughsChurch! Bring and share food 10.30pm. Service starts 11.20…

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CatharineHoey Visit of the late Pope Benedict on Sept 18th 2010 to St Peter’s Residence Vauxhall being met by the Mayor ⁦……

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StGeorgesCath Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI - RIP

We pray for the repose of the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who died this m……

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RC_Southwark It is with great sadness that we received the news today that the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has finished his earth……

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BishopSouthwark Giving thanks for the life of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and asking for prayers in our Sunday services……

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Pope Benedict XVI leaving Lambeth Palace in the Popemobile in September 2010.

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On this day 415 years ago Edmond Shakespeare was buried at what is now @Southwarkcathed.

Parish records show the o……

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