London SE1 community website

Sunday 22 January 2023

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Tweets on 22 January 2023

MrTimDunn Went up London’s tall pointy thing before sunset: my annual pass expired tonight & they don’t “do” em any more. In……

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BishopSouthwark I was glad and honoured to bless the beautiful Memorial Plaque to Folajimi this morning joining his parents, family……

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StGeorgesCath Today saw the Dean unveiling & blessing our statue of St Anthony of Padua, replacing one destroyed in an act of van……

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The ceremony concludes with prayers led by @michaelrawson62 Sub Dean of @Southwarkcathed before wreaths are laid by…

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The @BishopSouthwark blesses the memorial plaque to Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewole in Cathedral Square

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The @MayorofLondon @SadiqKhan describes Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewole as a “remarkable man” and “hero” who answered the……

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Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewole’s brother Bolaji thanks everyone who has made the memorial plaque possible

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Chair of @livingbankside @AmirEden1993 is welcoming everyone to the ceremony and describing Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewo……

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Also joining Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewole’s family at the ceremony are @coyleneil, @SimonHughes, @VMMChamberlain,……

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Live stream from Cathedral Square Bankside where a plaque is being unveiled to honour Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewole who……

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All signage has been removed from the now-closed Ship pub in Borough Road. Squatters now occupying the pub.……

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£17 million penthouse for sale at the Shell Centre development at Waterloo…

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