Support Groups for Specific Groups/Communities
This directory presently covers Bishop's ward in Lambeth and Cathedrals ward in Southwark. We hope to expand the coverage area to include the rest of SE1 in future.
- African & Caribbean Diversity
Loman Street - Alzheimer's Society Southwark
Scovell Road - Amader Bhobishot
Falmouth Road - Back to Life Project
London Bridge - Bangladeshi Community Group
Baylis Road - Bengali Community Development Project
Falmouth Road - Beormund Community Centre
Abbey Street - Blackfriars Road Community Drug and Alcohol Team
Blackfriars Road - Blackfriars Settlement
Great Suffolk Street - Cambian Churchill Hospital
Lambeth Road - Central and Cecil Housing Trust
Waterloo Road - Choice Support
Westminster Bridge Road - Confederation of Indian Organisations (CIO)
Westminster Bridge Road - Connect - The Communication Disability Network
Marshalsea Road - Council for Assisting Refugee Academics (CARA)
London Road - Equinox
Southwark Bridge Road - Everywoman
Wootton Street - GHARWEG Advice, Training and Careers Centre
Westminster Bridge Road - GLAWN Great Lakes African Women & Children Network
Baylis Road - HIV i-Base
Southwark Street - Listening Books
Lant Street - Mainliners
London Bridge - MDF The Bipolar Organisation
St George's Rd - Mental Fight Club
Marshalsea Road - Mental Health Act Office, Guy's Hospital
Weston Street - Mental Health Act Office, St Thomas's Hospital
- Motability
Southwark Bridge Road - Oasis UK
Kennington Road - Prisoners' Family and Friends
Trinity Street - Refugee Action
Waterloo Road - Remploy
Union Street - Royal British Legion
Borough High Street - Sesame Institute
Blackfriars Road - Speakability
Royal Street - Terrence Higgins Trust/Lighthouse South London
Lower Marsh - The Manna Society
Melior Street - TimeBank
London Bridge - Tomorrow's People
Lancaster Street - Vishvas Mental Health Project
Westminster Bridge Rd - Waterloo Action Centre
Baylis Road - Waterloo Community Counselling
Frazier Street - West Indian Standing Conference
Westminster Bridge Road - Women Like Us
Lavington Street - Yourstory
Lollard Street