London SE1 > News & Features > November 1999

Lottery award for Blackfriars Settlement

The 113 year old Blackfriars Settlement community organisation has recently received funding from the National Lottery to develop its IT courses for local people over the next three years.
Camberwell and Peckham MP Harriet Harman was one of sixty visitors at a recent open day at the Settlement's Nelson Square and Rushworth Street premises. They were able to see at first hand Blackfriars' education and training, elderly and young people's activities and its IT, craft and printing services for users of mental health services. Discussion forums enabled members of the public to put forward their ideas for the development of Blackfriars' services. Director Mary Gardiner says "we have been delighted to meet new members of the local community at this open day, and hope that many more will come and visit us and make use of the services we and the public have developed together."
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