'Three Hundred Years of Growing and Listening' was the theme of the service of celebration for the tercentenary of Cathedral School held in Southwark Cathedral.
He spoke about how the community and life of the school gives both children and adults a language to learn to understand each other, commenting that the formally posed 17th-century children illustrating the service booklet looked lonely and fearful.
Bishop of Southwark Tom Butler presenting a scroll to the Chair of Governors
Headteacher Sylvia Morris, speaking before the service, said: "The children, staff and governors are excited that the Archbishop is coming to meet with them on this historic occasion. It is a joy and a privilege to serve this successful school in the heart of the inner city where children continue to exceed our expectations. We feel proud and privileged to welcome the Archbishop to share in our service of celebration and thanksgiving."
• The Cathedral School stands in Redcross Way on the site of a palace and has 240 pupils aged from 3-11.
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