Rickshaws should be licensed like taxis says a London Assembly transport committee report.
The committee is also recommending that rickshaw riders should be registered and receive training. It also suggests that rickshaws, also known as pedicabs, should be able to use bus lanes and have use of dedicated rickshaw ranks.
Bugbugs in Chancel Street SE1 has been providing London with the emission-free passenger transport since 1998. Trustee Chris Smallwood says: "We are delighted the authorities are taking us seriously and have taken quality time to get a balanced view."
Transport chairman Murad Qureshi says: "Rickshaws provide a welcome and colourful, albeit minor, addition to the streetscape of the West End, and that's how it should stay. I am acutely aware of the problems pedicabs do and could potentially bring but I do not think they should be banned outright."
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