This is the the fourth year of the Globe's educational project involving Southwark and Lambeth schools. Right to Reply: The Trial of Othello is a project teaching students to improve their communication skills and their relationships with others.
This extensive project was pulled together for a finale trial integrating students from different schools along with the Globe's own actors portraying the parts of the prosecuted Othello, witness Iago, and Judge. Teachers and other spectators serving as the jury were left with the vote based on the evidence revealed by the students on both sides of the court.
It was fantastic to see these young students exposed to such great literature and exercises of the mind. Speaking skills and confidence levels received top marks and though only one side won the court battle both sides benefited immensely from the experience.
Robert Browning Primary School and The Charter School in Southwark both served for the prosecution while Stockwell Primary School and Stockwell Park High School in Lambeth served for the defense.
Trial outcome: Othello was found not guilty for murder but guilty for manslaughter with an eight-year sentence with community service.
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