The Fairtrade Foundation has recruited familiar faces such as Anita Roddick, Vic Reeves and Adrian Edmondson to highlight the positive impact that buying Fairtrade products can have on poverty.
Anita Roddick
Trevor Leighton has taken a series of black and white portraits showing high profile celebrities having fun with a range of Fairtrade products from pineapples to cotton. Accompanying the photographs are quotes from the celebrities explaining why they are committed to buying Fairtrade.
"Nowadays I don't think twice about buying Fairtrade becuase the products are all top quality and more and more Fairtrade products are available, from cotton to roses. It is very important that producers receive the financial rewards they desreve and don't get forgotten," says Donna Air on her reasons for buying Fairtrade products.
Gail Porter
• Until Sunday 26 March at, Oxo Tower Wharf , Bargehouse Street; open daily 11am – 6pm
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