There is growing opposition to a proposed 32 storey tower next to Tate Modern.
The site is the boarded up Mussett building, a Victorian stables, in Hopton Street. Residents were summoned at very short notice to a display of the plans. During the hastily arranged consultation, held in the nearby Globe the day after the General Election, visitors complained that there was no literature to take away and a lack of information.
Concerned residents have formed a protest group called Bankside Residents Against Tate Tower which is already being called BRATT. Most members live either in riverside Falcon Point flats or Bankside Lofts where there are concerns about loss of views which attracted recent buyers.
"The development is totally wrong for the area" says BRATT spokesperson Theresa Towle. "It is right on top of the Tate itself and would ruin the effect of the present buildings around the Tate entrance."
It is understood that Tate Modern is likely to object when the scheme is submitted to Southwark Council in the autumn.
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