Dr Samuel Johnson once said that a work could not be considered literature until it had continuously pleased audiences for one hundred years. The Royal National Theatre’s production of She Stoops to Conquer would have satisfied him thoroughly.
The audience was rolling with laughter from curtain up to curtain down. Stephen Jeffrey's new prologue, far from taking away from the original production, would even have impressed Oliver Goldsmith with its abundance of witty literary references. The actors seemed to be having as much fun as the audience, adding hilarious gestures and, at times, even surprising on-stage members into participation.
In addition to commanding performances, such as that of Monica Dolan, playing Kate Hardcastle in her three roles as barmaid, farm girl and lady; delightful attention to detail enhanced the play even further. The play even used the fiddle player's musical skills and incorporated props which went awry to adorn the already engaging production. Attend this play, but be warned that you may end up caught in the action.
• National Theatre; until Sat 29 March
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