An IT suite for Bermondsey residents has been opened at the Decima Street Tenants' & Residents' Association Hall.
The community-based project will provide free computer use along with free internet access. The building is now a wifi hotspot and printing, scanning and photocopying services are also to be available.
"This is exactly the sort of event that makes communities good places," said Simon Hughes who cut a ribbon across the entrance to the room on Friday.
It was really important to understand the fact that not everyone had internet access at home, he said.
Later Simon Hughes described the computer sutie as being a library, a job application centre and a travel agent on the doorstep and all free.
The Decima Street TRA chair Fola Ogunkola said: "IT is something everybody needs."
It is hoped that many who have not used a computer before will take the oppportunity to learn about online services from those volunteering to giving advice.
The facility, set up on the initiative of Chaucer ward councillor Tim McNally, is being funded and supported by Southwark Council, the Big Lottery Fund and First Genesis.
The IT suite is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 12 noon and 2pm.
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