Lambeth Council design and conservation officers say that a memorial to the victims of human BSE (variant CJD) ought to be relocated from its present position opposite the Houses of Parliament.
A plaque bearing the inscription "In loving memory of the victims of Human BSE (vCJD). Always in our thoughts" was erected some years ago on the wall of St Thomas' Hospital facing the river immediately south of Westminster Bridge.
The organisation which installed the memorial – the Human BSE Foundation – has since been wound up.
The suggestion that the memorial should be moved comes in Lambeth Council's draft conservation area statement for the Albert Embankment Conservation Area which was recently published for consultation.
The document includes a list of 'management proposals' to improve the conservation area and reduce clutter.
The draft statement includes this text: "The memorial plaque to victims of CJD on the boundary wall of St Thomas' facing the Riverside Walk is a touching memorial but it has been unsympathetically placed – visually disrupting the otherwise unaltered listed wall.
"A more appropriate location would be desirable."
• Public consultation continues until Monday 14 March.
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