The needs of your business are growing. Your days are getting longer, and more than anything, you could do with an extra pair of hands.
You'd love to attract a person with top skills and impressive experience, without a price tag to match, but such a thing isn't possible.
Right? Wrong.
There's an innovative solution to getting more for your money, and it's being adopted by increasing numbers of HR professionals and chief execs.
By looking at part-time employment solutions, they've found a way to recruit talented and experienced new members of staff - at an affordable price.
What will this seminar cover?
• The boom in part-time employment – why hiring people with experience, for half the hours, is working for organisations across the capital
• How to ensure that you comply with employment law when using part-time staff
• How to structure a part-time job and how to find part-time staff
Resa Galgut who will take you through everything you need to know about recruiting part-time or flexible staff
Victoria Willson, Solicitor, Levenes Employment, who will talk about the legal framework surrounding part-time working
Seminar to be of particular interest to…
…Chief Execs of small and medium sized organisations; HR Managers and Directors of medium sized organisations; professionals who advise or consult on HR issues
You will leave with…some fresh ideas for how to increase the richness and diversity of your staff's skill-set, and how to squeeze the most out of your staff budget.
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