The annual contemporary art exhibition, organised by Danielle Arnaud and Parabola, this year looks at the theme 'Repatriating The Ark'. It pays homage to 2006 as the 350th anniversary of the publication of the Musaeum Tradescantianum, a catalogue of the 'rarities' contained within the Tradescant Ark, the first public museum in England.
The book was written by Tradescant the Younger with help and funding from Elias Ashmole. The Cabinet of Curiosities that lies at the heart of the story included celebrity paraphernalia, anthropological items and naturally occurring oddities. These were passed from the Tradescant family to Elias Ashmole, who established the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford with the Tradescant collection at its 'core'.
Ten artists working in sculpture, video, drawing and mixed media are to be commissioned to investigate past, present and future notions of ownership, collection and assimilation. In addition, the exhibition will bring pieces of the original Tradescant Collection back to Lambeth.
Garden Museum
Lambeth Palace Road, SE1 7LB
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Sun-Fri 10.30am-5pm; Sat 10.30am-4pm; closed 1st Mon of month
£10 (concessions available)
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