Travelling Through and Hercules Editions present three poets reading from recent collections.
Sue Rose is the author of two full collections, most recently The Cost of Keys, published by Cinnamon Press. Her Hercules Editions chapbook, Heart Archives, was published in 2014, and includes original poems and photographs by the author. She works as a freelance literary translator.
Tamar Yoseloff's most recent collection is Formerly a Hercules Editions chapbook with photographs by Vici MacDonald, shortlisted for the Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry in 2013. She is s freelance tutor for organisations including The Poetry School and the Hayward Gallery.
They will be joined by visiting Canadian poet, Rhona McAdam, whose sixth and most recent collection, Ex-Ville, is published by Oolichan Books. She is also a food writer; her book Digging the City: An Urban Argricultural Manifesto was published in 2012.
Doors open at 6:30, and the reading will take place at the cafe at Travelling Through... Refreshments will be available.
Travelling Through...
131 Lower Marsh, SE1 7AE
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