Over the past four years residents and businesses in Bankside have been developing a new vision for the Bankside neighbourhood, which has been convened by Bankside Neighbourhood Forum.
Complementing the Bankside referendum process is an exhibition of recent work by artist Adrian Chappell and photographer George Nicholson.
The exhibition showcases over 60 digital drawings and photographs (many depicting the original Bankside Power Station and adjoining neighbourhood in the late 19th century) to explore Bankside's 'past in the present'. A programme of talks in the gallery and guided walks around Bankside are planned to complement the exhibition.
The exhibition's imagery and storylines are derived from Bankside's changing industrial landscapes dating from the late 18th century to the present day. It also includes some of stories behind the key individuals, events and organisations in the Bankside neighbourhood over the last 40 years
As well as the materials on display, Bankside neighbourhood organisations will be setting out the proposals in the new neighbourhood plan which will be subject to a public ballot later in the year. Also complementing the show, will be a series of 'Open Studio' sessions taking place on 3 June as part of the London Festival of Architecture, based around some of the key individuals and events in the more recent past that have literally shaped Bankside's future.
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