Councillors Humaira Ali and Hamish McCallum and the Shad Thames Residents' Association (STRA) have arranged a virtual public meeting via Zoom with area stakeholders.
Residents and businesses of Shad Thames, Tooley Street, and Fair Community are all welcome and encouraged to attend.
The purpose of the meeting is to give area residents and business owners a chance to hear from the Police, Council officers, and representatives of More London, Potters Fields Park, and the local business district about the actions they are taking in response to the events of last weekend and their plans for the reopening of licensed premises like pubs and bars. It is also an opportunity for residents and businesses to share their experiences and ask questions.
If you would like to attend, please email STRA at [email protected] to express your interest. A link to the meeting will be distributed to all those who register in advance. The Zoom room will open at 6:50pm.
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