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Precognitive Dreams: Synchronicity and Coincidence

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Talk presented by the London Fortean Society.

Renowned esoteric writer Gary Lachman has been recording his own precognitive dreams for forty years. In this unique and intriguing talk Lachman recounts the discovery that he dreams 'ahead of time', and argues convincingly that this extraordinary ability is, in fact, shared by all of us.

His latest book Dreaming Ahead of Time is a personal exploration of precognition, synchronicity and coincidence drawing on the work of thinkers including J.W. Dunne, J.B. Priestly and C.G. Jung. Lachman's description and analysis of his own experience introduces readers to the uncanny power of our dreaming minds and reveals the illusion of our careful distinctions between past, present and future.


The Miller
96 Snowsfields, London, SE1 3SS
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