Waterloo-based artist Soheila Keyani will be exhibiting works from her 'Project Love' art events which aim to create connections between Londoners and different cultures across the world.
The most recent events in June and July saw Londoners paint messages of love and friendship for people in India. Now Iranian-born abstract artist Keyani will show works from these events and four others at a special exhibition at St John's Waterloo.
Directed by Keyani, visitors are asked to create messages of love and explore their own creativity through painting, drawing or making collages. They also have the opportunity to train as an art facilitator, taking the work to their own communities within London or home countries to further the messages of love and friendship between communities especially where it is needed.
"I'm in discussion with Tate Modern to expand this event and have approached the National Gallery to put on a 'Project Love' Day, in Trafalgar Square, where thousands of Londoners can contribute a piece of art to a massive communal gallery, the best of which could be shown in a gallery, website and go on tour," says Keyani.
"I'd love to see Project Love go global with events in New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Cape Town, Paris, Istanbul, Tehran, and eventually South America and West Africa."
St John's Waterloo
73 Waterloo Road, SE1 8TY
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