Tales of intrigue, betrayal, feuds, and political power struggles... sounds familiar?
However, the year is not 2008 but 1577 and it involves the first English man to circumnavigate the world, Sir Francis Drake. Drake's voyage was one of the most important contributions to Britain's rise to global power and empire. His claim of California, or Nova Albion, for England led directly to later plans to send people to live in colonies in America.
The weekend features Tudor music and dance from Passamezzo (a group specialising in Elizabethan music), storytelling, Elizabethan games, sword fighting demonstrations and guided tours. Come dressed for the occasion - prizes will be awarded for the best costume.
On Sunday 24 August, 5.30pm-8pm, two costumed interpreters will bring the stories of Drake's adventures, the political intrigues and secret conversations to life on board the Golden Hinde, a full-scale replica of Drake's war ship at the Tudor Evening, which is part of the Great Tudor Weekend. Accompanying them will be Passamezzo performing in costume. Sample Tudor food and drink made from original recipes and which were some of the favourite nibbles of Queen Elizabeth I.
Golden Hinde
St Mary Overie Dock, Cathedral Street, SE1 9DE
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£5 Adult £5 Child £15 Family of 4 Under 3s free
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