For many a parent, seeing their child come out in a sudden rash or scratching at itchy skin can be the forerunner to a nightmare of worry. Is it an allergy? What is the cause? What should be done about it? Too often there are no easy answers, even at the GP's surgery. But for families in reach of London some help is at hand.
Tthe national charity Action Against Allergy will hold an evening workshop for parents of allergic children in St Thomas' Hospital. Organised in association with the Children's Allergy Service at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, the workshop will focus on FOOD ALLERGY AND ECZEMA – AT HOME AND AT SCHOOL, giving parents useful insight into these conditions, what's new in the way of treatments and products, and practical advice on how to alleviate stress for their children.
Consultant paediatric allergist Dr Adam Fox and dermatologist Dr Anne-Marie Powell, together with clinical nurse specialists from the Children's Allergy Service, will be there to advise and answer parents' questions. A key part of the evening, which begins at 7 pm, will be the opportunity of joining either of two discussion groups covering either 'Food allergy in nursery and at school' or 'Optimising eczema care'.
Parents have given high praise to similar workshops held by Action Against Allergy. They have been attended by parents not only from the Greater London area but the home counties as well – an indication in itself of parents' need for such help.
Tickets can be purchased online or by phoning 020 8892 4949.
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7EH
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