Transport for London chose to launch its new travel planning product for small and medium-sized enterprises at Vinopolis before an audience of Bankside businesses.
"Enterprise is a new way to think about travel and had been created by Tfl especially for small and medium sized businesses," says Ben Plowden, director of travel demand management at TfL.
"Workplace travel plans are one of the many schemes Transport for London has promoted in recent years to get Londoners to not only walk and cycle more, but also to work flexibly and car-share to work. Similar projects with larger businesses have been a huge success in the past and the Enterprise scheme aims to support London's small and medium sized businesses achieve similar results.
"With the number of Londoners continuing to grow, it is vital we reduce the number of car journeys on the capital's roads. In the long run everyone will benefit from Enterprise, especially organisations, employees, other commuters and, most importantly, the environment."
He suggested that travel plans can increase efficiency and result in a healthier workforce less prone to sick leave. "By implementing a workplace travel plan, and developing a better understanding of your employees' travel needs, you will help support a shift towards walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing to the benefit of your organisation, the local environment and London's economy."
"We'll help put in cycle stands and showers" said Ben Plowden adding that by signing up to Enterprise, TfL offer will help Bankside businesses with free expert advice and a tailored workplace travel plan.
Better Bankside's chair Donald Hyslop of Tate Modern said that the business improvement district's involvement reflected its commitment to encouraging workplace travel planning.
Adam Shaw, presenter of BBC's Working Lunch, stressed that change often came from smaller companies. Gita Katbamna of GlaxoSmithKline said that in one year the number of its west London employees cycling to work had doubled.
Bankside businesses can contact the Enterprise team for more information on 0870 094 9011 or by email on [email protected]
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